This is an email operated service. We will go over your needs and goals to find the perfect regimen for your skin.
This program is perfect for you if:
- you are a remote client.
- you don't have the time.
- you're just ready to make that investment towards healthy skin.
Take the guesswork out what product ingredients you should be looking for or which facials and treatments you should be scheduling, all while avoiding waiting rooms or wasted miles. Not to mention that growing product graveyard in their cabinet can be eliminated!
All product recommendations and treatment plans are approved by Rorée Ahmir
We require all new in-person clients to book a consultation and treatment before booking additional services with Glow Boulevard. Why? This allows us to assess your skin, your concerns, and goals before getting started. For clients who haven't seen us in over a year, we kindly ask that you book a consultation before rebooking any services, so we can provide the most beneficial treatment plan for you moving forward.
We break our consultations into 5 steps.
Step 1- What bothers you about your skin?
We begin with a Q&A of your specific skin concerns, short-term objectives and long-term goals.
Step 2 – What do we see in your skin?
In a discussion of your skin issues and what we can see via photos or videos, we will be able to do a thorough skin analysis.
Step 3 – How do you take care of your skin?
We will be able to guide you on do’s and don’ts. What order you should be doing things, when, and why.
Step 4 – What is in your skincare collection?
Bring all your skin care products to your appointment for an evaluation. Sometimes clients don’t use the products in the right order and this is an opportunity for you to get professional guidance on how to use the products.
Step 5 – What is your Regimen?
Receive a personalized Skin Prescription with a daily AM and PM skincare routine. We will decide what your skin type is, provide you with a treatment plan to make sure your skin needs, issues and concerns, are addressed.
You will have access to submit additional photos throughout the year so your esthetician can alter protocol as their skin changes from product use, hormonal cycles, travel, extremes, etc. to ensure your skin is at it’s best all year long.